Monday, December 24, 2012

Quality time with Santa

Got to spend some quality time with the big guy during a shoot in Denver last week, made sure I was on his nice list and asked for a healthy, happy and busy 2013 for myself and my family. He just nodded, laid a finger aside his nose and up the elevator soon he rose...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Instacanvas gallery is open!

Yes, it is!
I know, I know I've heard the jokes "Instagram is just facebook for people who can't read." And "How much does a hipster weigh? An instagram!" But I still love it, I love the simplicity of it. Just photos and comments and hashtags. That's it. Minimal spam, minimal bs and a more global look at the world through others eyes that I just don't have in my other social media circles. And the fact that now you can buy canvas prints and phone cases of photos taken with a phone just cracks me up!

 So, if you would like to see some more of my personal work and were looking for something unique to buy for the holidays, check out my Instacanvas gallery. You can purchase cool iphone cases, greeting cards framed prints, and of course canvas prints. Let me know what you think!